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The first step in having a chemical peel treatment is consulting with a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, such as Dr. Michele Green. Dr. Green will assess the condition of your skin and help you determine the unique combination of treatments best suited to addressing your concerns and achieving your goals. During your consultation with Dr. Green, she will help to determine if you are a good candidate for a chemical peel and if it will benefit your acne treatment.
Before chemical peel treatment, your skin will be cleansed of all makeup, sunscreen, and oils. During the peel, a chemical solution is applied to the skin’s surface that removes the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum. The solution is left on the skin for 1 to 5 minutes, depending on the strength of the acid peel. The exfoliation process encourages healthy new skin cells to generate more quickly. As the dull, discolored, dead skin cells are sloughed off, patients observe a more radiant complexion and a reduction of acne and acne scars. Ultimately, patients enjoy new, brighter, healthier, and smoother skin.
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