Acne Treatment With Sac Dep Spa

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Does pregnancy cause acne?

Developing acne while pregnant is very common. Over fifty percent of pregnant women develop acne typically beginning around the sixth week of pregnancy. Throughout the first trimester, your body produces more of the hormone called progesterone, which results in an increase in the body’s production of sebum. Sebum is the oil that is naturally produced by the sebaceous glands and secreted into hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair. While the body’s production of sebum is natural, excess oil on the skin can clog the pores, resulting in an outbreak or worsening of existing acne vulgaris. As such, becoming pregnant does not inherently cause acne, but the hormonal changes can lead to skin changes and be a risk factor for developing pimples. Another risk factor for developing acne during pregnancy is having a history of acne in general or a history of developing acne breakouts at the start of your menstrual cycle.

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