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Fungal acne is caused by yeast overgrowth on the skin. This yeast (Malassezia yeast) is always present on your skin along with many different varieties of bacteria. Normally, the yeast and the bacteria balance each other out in the skin. However, if yeast growth exceeds the amount of the bacteria on the skin or the bacteria is somehow diminished (as a result of taking an antibacterial, for example), folliculitis, an infection of the hair follicles, can develop, leading to fungal acne. Malassezia yeast growth is accelerated in warm, moist environments, which is another of the many risk factors that can contribute to the development of fungal acne. The yeast on your skin also feeds off of the oil and sebum produced on your skin, meaning that fungal acne is also more likely to occur on oily skin or in places where oil production on your skin is high.

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