Huge Abscess on Back- Kent Rilling

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Nizoral is a dandruff shampoo, which contains Ketoconazole – an anti fungal that works to reduce dandruff and, when applied to the skin, treats fungal acne. Dandruff also occurs as a result of the Malassazia yeast, which feeds off the oils found on the scalp. As such, the shampoo, when applied to fungal acne on the skin, can act as an effective anti-fungal. You can easily incorporate Nizoral into your skincare routine to eliminate fungal acne as well as keep it from returning. When you have an active fungal acne infection, apply Nizoral to your skin as a body wash while you are in the shower every other day. After applying the shampoo, let it sit on your skin for at least 30 seconds before rinsing it off again. Once the skin condition clears up, you can use the same procedure with the shampoo once a week to prevent fungal acne from recurring and maintain healthy, clear skin.

When you are looking to treat your fungal acne, it is first imperative to get the correct diagnosis. If you have fungal acne, it cannot be treated with the tools in your medicine cabinet you have to treat regular acne. For that reason, it is important to get an expert opinion and medical advice from a board-certified dermatologist like Dr. Green. When you meet for your consultation appointment, she will be able to provide you with an official diagnosis for fungal acne and prescribe the best products for treating the skin condition.

There are several habits that you can change at home to reduce the likelihood of developing fungal acne. The first major factor in preventing fungal acne is improving hygiene. If you shower more regularly and remove sweaty clothes immediately after a work out, you are removing yourself from the moist environment in which yeast thrives. As a part of your shower, you can include washing your body with Nizoral dandruff shampoo – which can help reduce the amount of yeast on your body. Other dandruff shampoos containing selenium sulfide or that are used to treat seborrheic dermatitis would work similarly. It is also helpful adjust your clothing choices and wear loose clothing when you exercise and a more breathable, cotton, face mask. There are also over-the-counter anti fungal creams that are typically used to treat other fungal conditions like athlete’s foot that you can use easily at home to address fungal acne. It is important to look for creams that contain ketoconazole or clotrimazole.

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