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Is laser treatment safe for darker skin tones?

As technological advancements in laser treatments are progressively developed in the world of cosmetic dermatology, laser skin resurfacing treatments have become one of the most popular methods for the removal of acne scars. While non-invasive laser skin resurfacing treatments can provide phenomenal results for many patients with little downtime, it is important to consider the safety and efficacy of a laser in relation to the skin tone of a patient. Melanin, the skin component responsible for skin pigment, can also absorb heat from the laser. This means that if laser treatment is done on a patient with dark skin with too much energy or with settings too high, the treatment can cause damage to the skin. The result can be hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, or even permanent scarring, meaning that skin of color can not be treated with the same types of lasers or the same settings as those that are used to treat white skin.

This is why it is so important to select a provider with the expertise and experience to choose laser and laser settings that will safely and effectively diminish acne scars without resulting in any damage. Dr. Green is a world-renowned expert in cosmetic dermatology and a provider that you can trust to deliver dramatically outstanding results without the danger of producing any unwanted side effects. At her private dermatology office in Manhattan’s Upper East Side neighborhood, Dr. Green offers several laser treatment options that are safe and effective for patients with darker skin tones to reduce the appearance of acne scars. The eMatrix and Clear + Brilliant laser treatments are among the innovative, non-invasive acne scar treatment options that Dr. Green utilizes to help patients achieve clear, healthy, radiant skin.

eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation Laser treatment for atrophic acne scars

The eMatrix laser is a unique treatment modality that is revered for its ability to provide skin rejuvenation. Unlike many other fractional treatment systems that use an ablative laser to achieve skin resurfacing, the eMatrix laser utilizes bi-polar radio frequency energy to heat the tissue below the skin surface effectively while keeping the top layer of skin intact. By bypassing the epidermis and delivering heat to the dermal layer at a level deeper within the skin, this treatment method successfully minimizes the amount of downtime. It reduces the number of potential complications that are associated with ablative resurfacing lasers, including hyperpigmentation. Each pulse of the eMatrix laser delivers radio frequency energy in the area of the electrode matrix, inducing a controlled skin injury to the treatment area. This ultimately activates fibroblasts in the skin to signal a wound-healing response and produce new collagen. With a Sublative Rejuvenation treatment, this new collagen production creates smoother, brighter, tighter, more beautiful, younger-looking skin. Since sublative rejuvenation has only 48 hours of downtime, this laser treatment can be scheduled virtually anytime.

Due to its extraordinary capabilities, the eMatrix laser is an extremely popular option for acne scar treatment. Since the eMatrix delivers treatment via radiofrequency technology, it is an ideal treatment for patients of all skin tones. The technology of the eMatrix laser makes it “color blind,” meaning that it can be used to safely treat all tones of skin, whether dark or light. Over time, when new collagen is formed, it smooths out the texture of acne scars and provides a smoother complexion that is long-lasting. Dr. Green recommends an average of five eMatrix laser treatments for atrophic scars, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart, for the best cosmetic results. The healing process generally takes 48 hours with almost no side effects except some minimal peeling and redness.

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