Dr. Lee Only Has ONE SHOT To Repair A Woman’s Earlobes!

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There are many risk factors that can lead to the development of fungal acne and habits that are relatively easily avoidable. One condition under which fungal acne is apt to develop is being in a warm, moist environment. Yeast is more likely to grow in hot, humid climates where people sweat more. One research study showed, for example, that fungal acne was much more common in the Philippines than in United States as a result of the warm and humid climate there. Similarly, the overgrowth of yeast is stimulated where there is trapped moisture. This can occur if you stay in sweaty clothing for a long time after a workout or after being someplace hot. Wearing workout clothes again before you wash them can cause you to be exposed to fungi that may have grown on the clothing in the time between wearings. If you are working out or spending time someplace warm, it would be better to wear loose clothing. Tight, unbreathable clothes have a higher tendency to trap moisture, which can lead to fungal growth if you are sweating.

Covid-19 masks are another moist environment that is a risk factor for the development of fungal acne and particularly common at this moment in time. Wearing a mask is so important to protect others from Covid-19 but if you are wearing an unbreathable type of mask, you may be at risk for developing fungal acne along your nose and on your chin. Single-use surgical masks and other cloth masks don’t always allow the moisture from your breath to escape, creating the moist environment that is ripe for yeast growth. You can avoid this by changing out your masks if you need to wear one for a long period of time, and/or purchasing masks made of a more breathable material, like cotton.

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